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Elenco di lettura dell'Università di Oxford per studenti di giurisprudenza

6 migliori libri per studenti di giurisprudenza, scelti dai professori di giurisprudenza a Oxford.

Il Balliol College di Oxford è una delle migliori università di giurisprudenza del Regno Unito. Sia che tu abbia fatto domanda o sia stato accettato in un'altra università, questo elenco di letture di legge andrà a beneficio di tutti i futuri studenti di legge che desiderano applicarsi al più alto livello.

Lo studio del diritto è complesso. Costruire una base di conoscenza e una prospettiva legale, prima di iniziare la tua laurea, aiuterà qualsiasi studente di legge a comprendere i principi legali non solo nelle prime fasi del loro LLB o laurea, ma nella sua interezza. Questo elenco di letture, come raccomandato dai professori del Balliol College di Oxford, offrirà una solida base di partenza su cui costruire durante i tuoi studi.

Vuoi sapere cosa serve per avere successo come studente di giurisprudenza? Letters to a Law Student di Nicholas McBride è diventata una raccomandazione classica per qualsiasi studente di legge in prospettiva La sua guida per studiare legge all'università è piena di consigli pratici e risposte utili alle domande più comuni sullo studio della legge o un LLB all'università. Per quelli più avanzati nei loro studi, questo libro è ancora un ottimo strumento per aggiornare le tue conoscenze, gestire il tuo carico di lavoro e rafforzare i suggerimenti di apprendimento critici.

Essere in grado di affrontare e analizzare criticamente le questioni legali sono abilità essenziali da sviluppare e affinare durante i tuoi studi legali. Great Debates in Criminal Law (2020) di Jonathan Herring è un'introduzione a scritti più avanzati sul diritto penale, progettati principalmente per consentire agli studenti di pensare in modo critico e analizzare argomenti specifici. Il libro si propone di illustrare i dibattiti in corso tra coloro che lavorano nella formazione del territorio.

Questi sono solo alcuni esempi di ciò che i professori della Balliol College Law School dell'Università di Oxford consigliano di leggere ai loro studenti di legge in preparazione all'inizio dei loro studi. Di seguito è riportato il loro elenco completo di raccomandazioni.

Introduzioni al sistema legale

Letters to a Law Student_ A guide to studying law at university (2017).jpg

Lettere a uno studente di giurisprudenza: una guida per studiare legge all'università (2017)

Nicholas McBride (Autore)


£ 17,99



£ 9,99


What does it take to succeed as a law student? This book will show you how.


Voted one of the top 6 books that all future law students should read by The Guardian’s studying law website*, Letters to a Law Student is packed full of practical advice and helpful answers to the most common questions about studying law at University across every stage of taking, or thinking about taking, a law degree.



· Whether reading law at University is the right thing for you;

· What law students do;

· How to get the best marks in exams;

· Tips on coping with the challenges of studying law;

· What you can do with a law degree;

· The way in which qualifying as a solicitor is set to change in the future,

Glanville Williams_ Learning the Law (2020).jpg

Glanville Williams: Imparare la legge (2020)

ATH Smith (autore)


£ 14,95



£ 7,99


First published in 1945, Glanville Williams: Learning the Law has been introducing new and prospective law students to the foundation skills needed to study law effectively for over 70 years. Presenting an overview of the English Legal System and covering the essential legal skills that students need to master if they want to succeed both in their legal studies and in their future careers, this is a must-have book for all new law students! - Introduces students to the basic legal materials such as statutes and case law, and explains how these are to be read and interpreted in the light of common law doctrines of precedent; - Explains how legal problems are to be solved and discussed in the examination room; - Offers advice on study methods, exam preparation, time and stress management; - Discusses the methods of legal research, and explains where to look for the law, both on paper and electronically; - Covers participation in moots, mock trials and other competitions; - Discusses employment prospects and gives advice on seeking and obtaining work; - Provides recommendations for further reading within and outside the law

Legge costituzionale


Diritto pubblico (Clarendon Law S.) (2003)

Adam Tomkins (Autore)


33,76 £



£ 40,99


Written in the well-established tradition of the Clarendon Law Series, Public Law offers a stimulating re-interpretation of the central themes and problems of English constitutional law. It offers full consideration of the historical development of public law. This book is an introduction that will be especially appealing to the enquiring student who is looking to reflect critically on the assumptions underpinning the standard presentation of the subject. Written throughout in an engaging and accessible style, Public Law examines the issues of power and accountability that are central to constitutional and administrative law. Among the topics considered are the unwritten nature of the constitution, the changing relationship between the law and the politics of the constitution, the separation of powers, the enduring influence of the crown, the role and functions of Parliament, questions of responsible government, and the law of judicial review and human rights.

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Lo Stato di diritto (2011)

Rt Hon Lord Bingham di Cornhill KG PC FBA Tom Bingham (Autore)


£ 7,95



£ 9,99


'A gem of a book ... Inspiring and timely. Everyone should read it' Independent


'The Rule of Law' is a phrase much used but little examined. The idea of the rule of law as the foundation of modern states and civilisations has recently become even more talismanic than that of democracy, but what does it actually consist of?


In this brilliant short book, Britain's former senior law lord, and one of the world's most acute legal minds, examines what the idea actually means. He makes clear that the rule of law is not an arid legal doctrine but is the foundation of a fair and just society, is a guarantee of responsible government, is an important contribution to economic growth and offers the best means yet devised for securing peace and co-operation. He briefly examines the historical origins of the rule, and then advances eight conditions which capture its essence as understood in western democracies today. He also discusses the strains imposed on the rule of law by the threat and experience of international terrorism.


The book will be influential in many different fields and should become a key text for anyone interested in politics, society and the state of our world.

Diritto penale

Great Debates in Criminal Law (Great Debates in Law) (2020).jpg

Grandi dibattiti in diritto penale (Grandi dibattiti in diritto) (2020)

Jonathan Herring (Autore)

Amazon 4.5 star


£ 29,88



£ 29,99


This textbook is an introduction to more advanced writings on criminal law, primarily designed to allow students to think critically and analyse specific topics. Each chapter is structured around key questions and debates that provoke deeper thought. It asks questions such as: Why do we have the laws that we have? Could the criminal law look differently? How should the law be applied to novel situations? Does the law in fact reflect prejudices?The aim of the book is not to present a complete overview of theoretical issues in criminal law, but rather to illustrate the current debates among those working in shaping the area. The text features summaries of the views of notable experts on key topics and each chapter ends with a list of guided further reading.

diritto romano

An Introduction to Roman Law (Clarendon Law Series) (1976).jpg

Introduzione al diritto romano (Clarendon Law Series) (1976)

Barry Nicholas (autore), Ernest Metzger (autore)


£ 38,99



£ 48,49


This book sketches the history of Roman Private Law from the Twelve Tables to modern times, and sets out the elements of the system. It does not attempt to summarize the whole law, but explains and evaluates its most characteristic and influential features.

altro Introduzione al diritto

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